What can you do everyday?
Often when you think that Sustainable Development is a world wide need, and what I as in Individual can or cannot do, may not matter, because I am too small, or my contributions may be too small for a larger goal like Sustainable Development, Building Sustainable Cities and Communities, or Climate Change, STOP. The truth is we all can do so much to contribute and every contribution matters. Here are my recommendations as Do's and Don'ts. Please follow them and make a difference today.
Contribute everyday to building a sustainable city and community, in order to revert climate change
Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communties
Goal 13 – Climate Change
Choose Sustainable Development – Do’s
Place solar panels on your roof and make them your main source of energy.
Place three panel glass doors.
Place blinds and curtains.
Place door stoppers.
Place indoor and outdoor plants.
Have a green garden and remove as many tiles as possible from your garden.
Place a rainwater harvesting solution.
Have short duration shower time.
Use bicycles and EV vehicles.
Find every opportunity to Reduce Recycle and Re-use.
Do a proper waste management to support recycling process.
Use organic manures, compost, and plant care in your garden and fields.
Buy local produce to minimize carbon footprint.
Place water in your garden for birds.
Most of all take good care of your physical and mental health, “only a sustainable body and mind can provide for a sustainable future” – by Achita Kashyap.
Choose Sustainable Development– Don'ts
Do not use plastics as much as possible.
Do not use gas or carbon/greenhouse gas emitting energy resources as much as possible.
Do not place air conditioning in your homes.
Do not use clothing dryers, use the sunlight instead
Do not put chemical fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides and composts in your garden and field.
Do not eat food that promotes the increase in carbon footprint.
Do not waste drinking water, it is a rare commodity and in future will become an expensive one.
Do not cut trees, instead plant more of them.
Do not throw food/vegetable/fruits waste in the garbage can, instead put them in soil as fertilizers to improve the soil quality.
Do not associate with, or support organization/institutions that promote non-sustainability.
“Don’t play catch up, lead the sustainable development movement, your contribution matters” – by Achita Kashyap